Due to confusion surrounding the use of the Verifiers page in USA and how the data on this page is reported EnergyGauge is advising all users to delete all inputs from this page for all future projects. We will be reviewing and making changes to how this information is reported and for the time being we advise you to use the "Tested By" fields on the Infiltration page and the Ducts page instead. 

For FL Code Users:

    Data from the Verifiers page shows up on the Building Input Report associated with the form 405. This is leading to questions from building officials asking to see the forms from the persons who performed the tests listed. If this information was filled out with intent for the project then this may be fine and the forms can be provided as well, but it may be that the data listed is leftover from template files, sample files, or residual entries left in the database and this can lead to confusion. Simply go to the Verifiers page and delete all entries here before running FL Code calculations in order to ensure nothing shows up. 

For HERS Raters:

    Data on the Verifiers page shows up in the HERS registration information that gets reported to RESNET after you upload files. This can lead RESNET to prompt additional or redundant file or field QA and depending on the names listed. If filled out with intent for each project the data on the Verifiers page may be the same as the data on the Infiltration page and/or Ducts page and the tester in each case may be reported twice, but it may be that the data listed is leftover from template files, sample files, or residual entries left in the database and this can lead to confusion. Simply go to the Verifiers page and delete all entries here before running HERS calculations in order to ensure nothing shows up. 

How To Delete Verifiers:

    In order to delete verifiers you may first need to ensure your Verifiers page is not hidden. After opening your project file if you primarily use your software for FL Code then you may have hidden pages you do not need for code compliance. The Verifiers page is the fifth page of your Site tab on the bottom of the software, as seen below

If your software looks instead like this;

then you will first need to show all tabs. This can be done simply by opening the View menu item in the top left of the software and selecting the third item listed which says "Show All Tabs"

Now that you can see the Verifiers page you simply need to delete the verifications, if any, in your project. This can be done the same was as deleting other records in the software such as walls or windows, by clicking on the minus button to delete the currently selected record.